playwerk / cooking studio vol. 01

vol 01

PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01

Cooking Studio ist eine dreiteilige Retro-Bildergeschichte, wo versucht wird, im Studio eine Kochsendung aufzuzeichnen.
(Hier zu sehen vol 01) Diese Fotogeschichten entstanden kurz nach meinem Uniabschluss. Vielen Dank Nadja, Anja, Louis und an das Grillo-Theater in Essen!

Cooking Studio is a three-part retro picture story where an attempt is made to record a cooking show in the studio. 

(See vol 01 here) These photo stories were created shortly after my university graduation. Many thanks to Nadja, Anja, Louis, and to the Grillo Theater in Essen!

쿠킹 스튜디오는 스튜디오에서 요리 프로그램을 녹화하려는 시도가 담긴 세 파트의 레트로 사진 이야기입니다. 

(vol 01은 여기에서 확인할 수 있습니다.) 이 사진 이야기는 내 대학 졸업 직후에 만들어졌습니다. 나두에게, 안두에게, 루이에게, 에센의 그릴로 극장에 감사드립니다!

PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
Intro of the retro cooking show
retro cooking show look in black and white
retro cooking show look in black and white
retro cooking show look in black and white
retro cooking show look in black and white
retro cooking show look in black and white
retro cooking show look in black and white
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01
PLAYWERK Cooking Studio vol 01

Hamburg 2024 [ 1.5 ]